Plan your Preparation for NIFT NID 2022
You are a NIFT NID 2022 Design Exam aspirant.
Therefore, the things which you need for the NIFT & NID 2022 Entrance Exam Preparation, are Study Materials, Previous Year’s Question Papers, Regular Mock Tests for performance evaluation, and a Plan.
Yes, a Plan… A Plan of how will your approach be while you prepare for the NIFT NID 2022 Exam. As these exams are very competitive and require lots of skill to crack, it also has a vast syllabus as well, therefore, you must have a robust plan to make things smooth, as well as achievable. The plan has to be made in such a way that the vast syllabus should be achievable. And planning must be in such a way that the preparation is effective and efficient.
Therefore, in this article, we will discuss some amazing tips about planning and effective preparation for NIFT NID 2022.
Tip 1: Getting Ready — As we know that the NIFT and NID exams are all India-level highly competitive exams that call for immense endurance. Therefore, you must prepare yourself both mentally and physically to take the steps for preparation for these exams. You will be able to face the challenges only when you are well-prepared. It will be like aiming to reach the summit of a mountain, you will only be able to reach the summit with proper equipment, proper planning, proper motivation, and preparing yourself for any kind of challenge.
Tip 2: Gear — Up — Therefore, before setting out on the NIFT & NID 2022 Preparation, we have to ensure that we have all the materials required for our preparation. So, keeping the necessary items like books, obviously, reference notes and a notebook, along with a pen, pencils, and a highlighter with a sticky note-pad to tag the important pages in the book and notebook. Also do not forget to keep a bottle of drinking water handy. It will also assist you in avoiding distraction if you put away your smartphone. This will avoid any waste of time and maximizing and enhancing your preparation process.
Tip 3: Focus — The best learning tip is to plan and mark out the parts or sections of the particular chapter from where probable questions are asked. Therefore, before you start your preparation plan and mark out the sections which you have to focus on. Though, this does not in any way mean that you can ignore the rest of the sections. You have to read and get to know the whole chapter but must focus on the core sections more as probably high marks questions will come from those sections. This way concentrating more on core materials like the — Important Principles, Formulae, Theorems, Diagrams, and Graphs, will surely help you learn the chapter in a more efficient and effective way.
Tip 4: Familiarizing — Before you start off with your preparing a chapter, it is very important for you to familiarize yourself with what you are about to read and learn. So, you have to get an initial basic feeler of what is in store and how will you plan for the task ahead. So, with your textbook, familiarize yourself with the new chapter, skim through the major points, diagrams, etc. Just flip through and browse through the first page to the last page along with the exercise and questions at the end, before you start reading and learning the contents of the chapter.
Tip 5: Start- Out — Initially, the beginning seems easy; almost will feel like a breeze through, but gradually, as you move into more details, things might start getting complicated or elaborate for you to comprehend. Therefore, while you are breezing through the initial part of the chapter, start putting sticking tags on major points which you think you might have to return back to while you are moving ahead and coming across points or explanations for which you might have to refer back to those marked-out points.
More tips coming up for you in our next article. Follow us to get regular updates on the various articles to help you prepare for the Design Entrance Exams and details on the Best NIFT 2022 Coaching Institute that will assist you in the online preparation also.